As mentioned at the November 2020 Annual meeting, the Lake Evesham Board has proposed to refresh the neighborhood association bylaws. This file includes the full new text, along with a table describing the changes from the previous version.

Information on when and how to vote on these amendments will be updated on this page at a later date.


We will vote on these amendments on December 7th at 7pm via Zoom. Please have your feedback to us by Sunday, November 29th so we can collect them together in time for the vote. Remember, in order to vote on the amendments you must be a member of the association, and current on dues.

Update 2

After considering feedback from the community, we have updated the proposed bylaws. This is the version that will be voted on at the December 7th meeting.

Please submit any feedback on these amendments via this Nextdoor post.

Update 3

The proposed bylaws unanimously passed at a Zoom meeting on December 7, 2020.